mastering your negotiation skills for successful outcomes

Negotiations Skills for Tough Situations

Why negotiation skills are critical for success? Top tips on mastering the art of effective negotiations As a business professional, freelancer, or even a student – it’s almost guaranteed you’ll be required to participate in negotiations from time to time. Negotiation skills are one of the most important skills for people in both personal and […]

Conflict Resolution: Towards a win-win situation

Conflict is an unavoidable part of interactions between people as it is natural for people to have differences of opinion and disagreements. However, if conflicts are not resolved effectively, they can lead to consequences such as soiled relationships, lost productivity, etc. which is why conflict resolution is a very important skill for everyone. What is […]

self motivation tips

Self Motivation Tips – practical advice on self motivation

Numerous papers, articles and books have been written on the topic of self motivation tips and no one can doubt the power and impact which motivation has on one’s performance. Words have power. If you articulate and present your thoughts in a motivating manner – it can cause your team to accomplish any goals – […]

The 3 Mantras of Leadership Success

Toastmasters speech on Leadership lessons through three personal short stories How many of you want to go to heaven but don’t want to die? How many of you want to reach the pinnacle of leadership success but are not ready to upgrade your skills? How many of you want to change the world but are […]


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